Thursday, April 26, 2012

Some days...

Ever have days when you know before you even wake it is going to be like this...


and you have that ONE friend who handles stress like this...


and she tries to give you advice...while looking so perfect or tells you to stay calm (and has no children)...


Yeah...that's what I usually want to do to that friend...

PS...I really don't have a "friend" like this- it is usually the old ladies in the grocery store that want to tell me a story of how it was difficult when they had children (or stop to give me "advice" on my screaming/tantrum child).

Happy Thursday everyone- Friday is just around the corner so hang on!

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Busy time....

After laying dormant for oh....almost a year! I have finally decided to attempt to be a better blogger. We are getting ready for yet another move, that will without a doubt provide many challenges (as all moves do).

Currently, we are renting and our landlords have decided to list the home while we are still renting. While I more than understand their reasoning, it has created so much work! Every day the house has to be near perfect, while attempting to live our lives, between work and activities (and let's not forget two very precocious cherubs)...deep sigh.

Mommy there is sooooo much tushie paper!!!


Look Mommy it rolls!!!!

And the little guy thinking the entire thing is HILARIOUS! has been quite busy around here...
Easter day. The kids were "helping" make mash potatoes and licking the beaters...

 I will try very hard to be a better blogger and get you more updates. I have made many, many, many changes in our current home and really should take the time to photograph them. But, as you can see I don't always have time to do much... until my cherubs decide to sleep or "pass out" which ever comes first.