Birth or newness of life has often been depicted through many symbols both literary and directional. When we think of the birth of something it is a newness, an awareness, or creation of something beautiful, innocent, pure, sweet, and gentle.
Ancient Eygptians and Greeks both looked at the sun as a sign of rebirth. They thought of the sun as a symbolic symbol of a persons life; both in directional (rising of the sun to the East), and how it moved across the horizon throughout the day. The sunrise was the birth of a child and continued growing until a child hit it's peak at "noon"; or when the sun is at it's highest energy above the Earth. The sun then starts to descend just like a person's life until finally reaching a sunset...or death.
An Illustrated Encyclopaedia of Traditional Symbols (New)
by Cooper, J.C.
In honor of the newness of life and with the hopes of Spring just around the corner; I wanted to "talk" about the birth of a design. Many times we seem to "peak" at our highest points and feel that we can't go any further with what we have deigned in our homes. Thus, creating a "sunset" affect until we eventually just decide to turn off the lights on our designs.
We have ALL been in a rut before- taking one thing here and placing it there, moving this and moving that...while never really creating anything or accomplishing much other than frustration.
With the idea of birth in mind- start looking at design and new spaces in your home as fresh starts rather than projects that the sun has already set on.
I am a green/white & cream kind of gal and nature has a BEAUTIFUL way of mixing all of these colors together.
Take a look...
(Cream, Yellow, & Greens- Oohlalah!!!)
(Really LOVE the rusty yellows and greens in this picture)
(Wouldn't these colors be perfect in a a little girls room???!!!)
Try and find a spot in your home that you have given up on and look at it again with a fresh start. Look at things that make you happy and ask yourself why they do- then look at the colors outside or colors that you naturally gravitate toward. You will start to see a pattern develop...just go with it!
Let me know what you all have come up with! I would love to see or hear of any thing you made the "sunrise."
PS~ Here are a few pictures of my little guy/girl (keeping it a surprise...we will find out June 14th when the baby is born).
Check out that leg!
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